
The Research Division Secretariat Office carries out secretary activities for the operation of the division and its services.

It provides support for the scientific secretary activities of the research groups and local coordinators of the scientific lines of the Institute.

It takes care of administrative procedures including purchasing, hospitality, payments of collaborators, and logistic.

It manages the organization of conferences, workshops, schools, meetings and seminars.

It manages the Division web site.

For other information see DR USERS.

Office Head: Maria Cristina D’Amato

e-mail: divric.segreteria@lists.lnf.infn.it
phone: (+39)0694032373


Staff: Main duties:
Maria Cristina D’Amato
Ph. (+39)0694032373
Bldg. 36 – room B65
e-mail maria.cristina.damato@lnf.infn.it
Maddalena Legramante
Ph. (+39)0694032791
Fax (+39)0694032900
Bldg. 36 – room B14
e-mail maddalena.legramante@lnf.infn.it
Alessandra Tamborrino Orsini
Ph. (+39)0694032317
Bldg. 22 – room  101
e-mail alessandra.tamborrinoorsini@lnf.infn.it
Laura Natoli
Bldg. n. 36 – room B16
e-mail laura.natoli@lnf.infn.it